Découvrez le métier d'ingénieur agricole | ESA

Discover the job of Environmental Engineer

Rédigé par jnivet
student_en - 23 mai 2024

What training is needed to become a Technical Support Engineer?

Interview with Brieg Le Corre, former ESA student

Today, we’re pleased to highlight the career path of Brieg Le Corre, an ESA alumnus who has risen through the ranks and made a name for himself in the field of environmental engineering.

Graduating from ESA in 2018 with a degree in agricultural engineering, Brieg Le Corre managed to reconcile his passion for the environment with his professional ambitions by joining the environmental department of the Puratos group in Brussels.

Become an agricultural engineer

In search of international experience and the chance to put his skills into practice, Brieg chose to do a international volunteering in business (IVB). Thanks to this experience, he was able to explore a different culture, expand his professional network and gain valuable practical experience in the environmental field.

Currently, Brieg works in the environmental department of the Puratos group, a global player in the field of bakery and chocolate ingredients based in Brussels. His aim is to help achieve the group’s ambitious environmental objectives, by reducing environmental impact, optimizing water consumption and improving waste management. Concrete measures are being implemented by the company to reduce its ecological footprint, such as the production of renewable energy on production sites, the acquisition of green electricity and the transition to more efficient production solutions.

« Even if you won’t necessarily be working directly in the environmental field in your company, think about how you could contribute at your level: ask to have environmental objectives, in short, be driving forces! « 

According to the alumni, his work is both captivating and motivating. It requires oratory skills to convince superiors to implement measures, as well as an interest in the environmental cause. Brieg encourages ESA students to take an environmental dimension into account in their professional thinking, even if their field of activity is not directly linked to the environment.

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